Strengths finder activator
Strengths finder activator

All 100 students completed the Strengths Finder assessment resulting in a 100% response rate. Thus, the purpose of this study was to replicate the previous study using a different sample frame selected by an entirely different admissions committee to discern if the same primary themes remain among veterinary medical students.Īll incoming veterinary medical students for the class of 2023 were administered the Strengths Finder prior to student orientation. One question that remained from Royal and colleagues’ work, however, was whether the findings were generalizable across veterinary student populations, or if the results largely were an artifact of student selection as determined by the college’s admissions committee. To that end, Royal and colleagues published an important paper in 2018 in which the authors established Strengths Finder norms for veterinary medical students and created a normative framework for other health professions education researchers to compare students’ “Signature Themes” 5.


A set of characteristics, styles, concerns, values, traditions, and general orientation to the social and political world takes shape, and members of the discipline are in intellectual contact with it throughout their professional lives” (p. And once formed, such subcultures apparently become more than the sum of their contributing parts. “ A discipline’s subject matter requires a bundle of professional work experience, defines the group’s interests which serve as points of reference and association, and seems to attract people of particular value orientation together these factors contribute to the formation of distinctive discipline subcultures. In fact, a long history of research in higher education has noted the role of academic disciplines, specifically the norms, values and cultural associations therein 3. Further, the assessment is routinely administered in college and university settings and the results often are used to group students into social groups for team-based learning activities and projects. However, the StrengthsFinder may also have implications for sociology research as many businesses and professional organizations administer the assessment to their employees. The purpose, therefore, is purely intra-professional development for the participant. The purpose of the StrengthsFinder is to help participants identify their greatest strengths, and once identified, encourage participants to continually use those strengths in both everyday life and work. Strengths theory dictates that individuals receive greater benefit when they work to improve their existing strengths, as opposed to working to improve their current weaknesses 2. The Strengths Finder was developed using positive psychology, namely ‘strength theory’ to help participants identify their top five primary strengths.

strengths finder activator

The Clifton Strengths Finder 2.0 is a popular online assessment developed by Donald Clifton of the Gallup Organization and has been administered to more than 16 million people worldwide 1. Using descriptive statistics to determine the Signature Themes of veterinary medical students, results confirm the same Signature Themes emerge, indicating stable findings relating to the norms of veterinary medical students. Thus, the purpose of this study was to replicate the previous study using a different sample frame selected by an entirely different admissions committee to discern if the same primary themes remain among veterinary medical students. However, a major limitation of that study pertained to its generalizability, particularly if the results largely were an artifact of student selection as determined by the college’s admissions committee. Previous research established Strengths Finder norms for veterinary medical students. There are many implications for the use of the Strengths Finder in higher education, particularly across academic disciplines in which fields are influenced by norms, cultures and values that both attract individuals to a field and socialize them to become functional members of the disciplinary community.

strengths finder activator

Based on ‘strength theory’, the assessment helps individuals discern their top five strengths (called “Signature Themes”) and participants are encouraged to use the results for intra-professional development purposes. The Clifton Strengths Finder 2.0 is a popular online assessment that has been administered to more than 16 million people worldwide.

Strengths finder activator